829 Seabury - HomeGuard Inspection List

From dtype.org

List of things to accomplish at 829 Seabury before moving in, or just after moving in. Part of 829 Seabury - Move In Checklist


Priority Status Who Description
High The kitchen sink drain is leaking into the crawl space. We recommend all leaks be repaired.


Priority Status Who Description
Low The pet door within the garage passage door is a breech in the fire separation between the garage and the living area. The opening is near the floor and may not significantly increase the risk of fire spreading. However, we recommend replacement of the passage door.
Medium The base of the support post(s) for the deck/porch cover or overhang are water damaged. We recommend the advice and services of licensed contractor and/or structural pest control company.
Medium Water damage was observed to the exterior trim at the front. We recommend the services of a licensed general contractor and/or structural pest control company.
Low Damage was observed in the planter shelf. We recommend the advice and services of the appropriate trades regarding repairs to this area.
Medium Damaged or cracked trim was noted at the right exterior We recommend the trim be repaired or replaced.
Medium The patio cover is not adequately braced and is wobbly when pushed from side to side. We recommend the patio cover be strengthened to resist lateral movement.
Medium The fence is in satisfactory condition, however one or more of the fence posts are loose. We recommend all loose, damaged or deteriorated post be reinforced or replaced as necessary.
Low Summer The downspouts discharge water adjacent to the structure. Water should be directed to flow at least 5' feet away from the building at the point of discharge. The installation of underground drainage where applicable will help control surface drainage.
Low The sliding glass door was observed to be sticking and/or difficult to operate. It should be corrected to operate freely. Cleaning and lubricating the slider tracks usually improves the operation. Replacement of worn hardware may also be necessary.


Priority Status Who Description
Low Postpone The openings in the railing are larger than 4". For improved safety it is recommended that the railing be altered for an opening of less than 4".
Medium Verify One or more interior door knobs, latches or hinge hardware is missing at the master bathroom. We recommend all missing hardware be replaced to restore full operation.
Medium The tub/shower enclosure wiper seal at the master bathroom is faulty, missing and/or improperly installed. We recommend it be repaired or replaced.


Priority Status Who Description
Low Drew The missing outlet cover plates at the master bathroom should be replaced. Based upon our inspection of a representative number of outlets we recommend checking every outlet to make sure they all have covers.


Priority Status Who Description
Medium The gas connector for the furnace is aluminum tubing. This does not meet present standards. We recommend replacing the supply line with a flexible approved gas line meeting present standards.